

Monday, November 11, 2013

Zork Continued


LT: I can explain Zork's contribution to the genre of video gaming.
LT: I can identify three elements of a video game critique.

Take out a pencil/pen/crayon and a piece of paper OR use a Microsoft Word OR Goodledoc.

Read the article Text Adventure: Zork Creators Honored with Pioneer Award.

Do a bit of your own research. What is the vision/mission of Wired magazine?
Using/citing textual evidence, explain who Lebling and Blank are. Why are they receiving an award? What contribution have they made to the video game genre? How was their work "groundbreaking?"


Read this player's review of Zork. Citing textual evidence, identify at least three elements of a video game review/critique. What did you like about this review? What confused you? What do you have questions about?  

For example:

In Flashman85's review of Zork 1, he discusses three specific aspects of the game: graphics, text interface, and inventory. In paragraph two, Flashman85 discusses the absence of graphics and how this may be "bothersome" to some viewers. Though he recognizes that some players "shouldn't be playing adventure games in the first place," he encourages the majority of players to engage with the elaborate description and to use imagination to enjoy the game.

*You can use my beginning as a scaffold, but don't forget to address the other two elements. 

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